

“Digitalisation helps to better protect the health of our personnel.”

在康复中心 Berufsförderungswerk坏野人 在海因里希·萨默诊所工作, people who have to reorient their lives because of illness or accidents are able to prepare for their professional and private future. 随着日常生活的继续, the cleaning robot Marvin takes care of floor cleaning in the entrance area. 客房部主管. 英格丽德·科尔默和她的员工不知道该怎么办 Robomatic马文 了.

Ms. 科尔默,为什么彻底清洁在你的工作场所如此重要? 
在医疗机构, thorough cleaning is absolutely essential to prevent the spread of bacteria and ensure the safety of patients.

你们把清洁地板的过程现代化了. 是什么驱使你走这一步,为什么是现在? 
We are planning to construct a new clinic, and digitalisation is a central topic in this process. Three factors were decisive: First, the cleaning standard should remain high. Technology is capable of achieving a level of hygiene nowadays that we can no longer match by hand. Second, our long-term employees are getting older, and cleaning involves more physical strain. 数字化让他们松了一口气. Third, we want to teach our employees not to be afraid of modernisation. 我们将不得不与技术共存,并展示其优势. We are considering the integration of technologies in other areas as well, not just for cleaning.

So in the course of digitalisation, you decided on Wetrok’s cleaning robot. 多亏了机器人,你节省了多少时间?

Marvin cleans all the floors in the entire building, except for carpets. 建筑面积约为5400平方米. 我们铺了瓷砖地板, 聚氯乙烯, 油毡, 游泳池区域的安全地砖和健身房大厅的镶木地板.

在我们在2023年9月介绍马文之前, 整个团队用拖把手动清洁地板.

Which tasks are you able to dedicate more focus to now since you exchanged the mop for the robot?
We concentrate more on other tasks, for example preparing rooms when switching patients.

Since procuring Marvin, you also use Wetrok’s disposable Masslinn dust cloths. 是什么让你决定使用它们的?
因为马文不会一直打扫到角落, we use the Masslinn cloths for dust-binding mopping around the corners. 这些衣服, 酒店的座右铭是“每间房一块布”。, 这有助于我们防止交叉污染. We have several Wetrok products and are more than satisfied with them overall. 但我们对马文印象最深刻.

马文给你印象最深的是什么? 哪些方面?
我们对机器人帮助我们的程度印象深刻. 和马文在一起,我们有更多的时间做其他任务. 由于集成的加药系统, 我们还根据具体需要使用清洁立博app和水, 哪种方法既节约资源又节省成立博app.

马文被介绍给我们, 但为了彻底测试这个设备, 我们每天都要在大楼里和机器人一起工作. 三四天的测试期是不够的. In our clinic, there are approximately 70 paraplegic wheelchair users. That’s why it was critical for us to learn whether a robot was perceived as a help or a hindrance, 以及在日常生活中使用是否合理. That’s why we started using Marvin directly in everyday clinic life. 当然,我们也测试了机器人. 我们很高兴这个机器人实现了它的承诺.

Especially right now, in winter, the entrance area is a major challenge. The moisture and salt from the road are carried out in the facility, 所以马文每天都在这片区域. The rubber marks from the wheelchairs are also stubborn and look unsightly on the floors. In addition, the corridors are very busy with patients, care staff and visitors. One challenge is to make sure that Marvin navigates around them if they are standing directly in front of the robot. 但我们可以信赖他. 他总是停下来或转过身去,视情况而定.

Marvin avoids them, but some people see him as a toy and have a blast trying to test him (laughs). 有些人甚至对马文说“早上好”. 他就像我们的宠物. His presence relaxes the mood, and everyone likes having him around.

It’s important for me to emphasise that my staff reacted very positively and were open to this new technology! They demonstrated courage to integrate this innovation into their everyday work routines. 我们的员工Ms. Galinec, who has become a Marvin specialist, had no previous experience with robots or the like. Handling the robot improved her self-confidence and allowed her to discover new aspects and interests for herself that she hadn’t previously dared to explore. In this case, digitalisation also led to positive developments among staff. The internal perception of the household has also benefited from Marvin.

You previously mentioned that you also have other Wetrok devices in the building.
是的, 我们有一台洗衣干衣机, 一台偏心机器, 一个器, 单刷机, 一个湿吸尘器和一个清洁车.

Why do you still need the classic push-sweeper scrubber-dryer Mambo when you now have Mambo, 你也可以手动操作?
Mambo是为我们的大教室设计的. The machine is currently used in parallel to Marvin in the main building. It is more efficient for us if both machines are operating simultaneously. 这两种设备也可以很好地互补. 曼波更敏捷,更容易进入角落.

How big does a floor area have to be to make a cleaning robot recommendable in your opinion?
我相信建筑面积肯定是一个因素, 但清洁的频率同样至关重要. 在我们的机构中, the cleaning frequency is high and we also have phases with deep cleaning, 例如在暑假期间. 然后我们收拾好家具,认真打扫房间. 使用Marvin使我们员工的工作更容易, 以前谁要用拖把处理大面积的地方. It’s not just about cleanliness, it’s also about the posture of our staff. Cleaning with a mop places considerable strain on the back and entire body.

This means you also made the change to the robot because you care about ergonomics and having a healthy work environment for your employees?
这是绝对正确的. 这也是为了保护我们员工的健康. As I previously mentioned, the entire team used to clean the floors manually using the mop. 特别是,清洁入口区域是一个挑战. And the sliding doors were constantly opening while our staff were sweating, 是什么让他们因为干旱而感冒.

我会向任何需要清洁大面积的人推荐马文. Whether industrial facilities, shopping centres, hospitals or healthcare institutions. Marvin ensures thorough cleaning and is a useful investment, especially in the care sector.

Since we will have to cover double the space when the new clinic is constructed, 我们正在考虑再买一个机器人. 我们现在获得的经验将有助于我们作出这一决定.

以贴纸的形式出现一张友好的脸会很好. That would definitely make people happy, particularly children and the elderly.
