
Medical face masks (hygiene masks) and respirators (FFP2) protect against the spread of infection. Here we present the two most important types of mask used to minimise the spread of infection in times of pandemic. We would also like to draw your attention to our tips for using the protective masks correctly.

Wetrok承诺: 测试和 Certified, High-Quality Face Masks 为 Best Possible Protection

Two aspects determine the level of 保护 provided by a mask: the fit and the quality of the materials. Wetrok在这两方面都没有妥协. We only sell tested and 认证 protective masks – stating the respective test standard on each product. Our Wetrok experts also subject every new Wetrok mask to a rigorous internal testing procedure (shape test, 水试验, 过滤层测试和防火测试). You will find the following information printed on each mask: mask type, test standard(s), CE mark. You will also receive a certificate with further information on durability etc. 带着你的面具. 根据要求, we will of course be happy to provide you with more detailed test reports and answer any questions you may have concerning safety and quality:


的 health authorities have recently reported that there are counterfeit masks in circulation. 这些都没有测试证书, 过滤效率不足, may contain hazardous materials and may have been produced under questionable hygiene conditions. 简而言之:它们是无效的,不适合使用. It is therefore important to look carefully when buying masks!

Protective Masks: Protection 为 Wearer or the Surroundings?

Protective masks serve two basic functions: 的y protect the 佩戴者和/or 他们的 周围的环境. Wetrok offers two different types of protective mask for different applications:

1. Medical face mask type IIR (= protects the wearer’s 周围的环境)

Medical face masks reduce the transmission of pathogens through droplets. 的y provide 保护 against the spread of infection in times of epidemic or pandemic. 的 主要功能 医用口罩的特点是 保护别人 防止感染(非穿戴者). 然而, type IIR medical face masks also provide the wearer with limited 保护 against droplets or infection.

重要的是: 的se are disposable products that – depending on the manufacturer – may be worn for a maximum of three hours. 再长一点,保护就不再有保证了!

Wetrok医用口罩 具有以下特点:

  • 对佩戴者周围环境的高度保护 (IIR型)
  • 高的细菌 过滤效率≥98%
  • 测试和 认证 根据… EN 14683:2019
  • 三层过滤介质(但非常轻)
  • Very 穿着舒适 (adjustable nose bridge, soft elastic loops)
  • 呼吸阻力低
  • 最多可佩戴2-3小时(最多. 在医院待2小时)
  • 每盒50个.

2. FFP2 respirator (= protects the 佩戴者和 他们的 周围的环境)

FFP2呼吸器可以防止气溶胶、灰尘和烟雾. In times of pandemic, FFP2 respirators provide particularly 对病毒传播有良好的保护作用. 与医用口罩相比, type FFP2 (and FFP3) respirators protect both the wearer AND 他们的 周围的环境.

Safety information: Respirators with a valve do 不 protect the 周围的环境, as any viruses are released back into the air through the 呼气阀 and allowed to spread when the wearer exhales.

-> Wetrok FFP2呼吸器s are therefore 配备了 呼气阀..

FFP2口罩提供最大的安全性和安全性 可以戴更长的时间吗 而不是医用口罩. FFP2 masks are – when used correctly – also recommended for cleaning staff who are in contact with COVID-19-infected persons or working in contaminated rooms.

Wetrok FFP2呼吸器 具有以下特点:

  • 高水平的 保护佩戴者和 他们的 周围的环境 (防护等级FFP2)
  • 测试和 认证 根据… En 149:2001 a1:2009
  • CE认证(CE2834)
  • 最佳的密封和适合由于可调鼻梁
  • 穿着舒适
  • Multilayer filter medium with high-quality non-woven material
  • 非常轻量级的
  • Can be worn for a maximum of five 75-minute shifts 根据… DGUV
  • 高度防飞沫
  • Available in different order quantities: box of 20 pieces (each individually packaged in a plastic bag) or as a single item (1 mask in a plastic bag)

这款面膜提供 两个无与伦比的特点 最大的 安慰:

柔软的鼻梁: 鼻梁上覆盖着一层柔软的, 亲肤泡沫植入物, 让它更舒适, better fitting and more resistant to wear – especially for those who wear glasses.

灵活的连接: You can use the elastic bands to fasten the mask behind your ears, or use the plastic clip provided to fasten it behind your head. If you experience any pinching or dis安慰, you can simply switch to the other fastening method.


从网上商店订购FFP2口罩 (每盒20个.)
从网上商店订购FFP2口罩 (1 pc.)
12 tips: How to use protective masks correctly during a pandemic

  1. When putting on your mask, only touch the mask after washing or disinfecting your hands.
  2. 只能用松紧带触摸口罩.
  3. 确保口罩完全遮住嘴、鼻子和下巴.
  4. Make sure the mask fits snugly (practice putting it on in front of a mirror).
  5. If you wear glasses; first put on the mask, then your glasses.
  6. 把长头发扎到脑后,防止口罩滑落.

  1. While wearing the mask, continue to practice good hand hygiene and keep a safe distance from others.
  2. 戴口罩时不要触摸.
  3. Once you have put on the mask, do not take it off (including pulling it down under your chin).
  4. If your mask becomes wet, replace it with a clean, dry mask (after approx. 两个小时).
  5. After taking off the mask, dispose of it in a sealed container.
  6. 脱下口罩后洗手或消毒.

One last tip: Never throw masks carelessly on the ground and never leave them lying in public spaces (deadly hazard for wildlife and high impact on the environment).


1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and/or disinfect before putting on the mask.
2. Place the mask over your mouth and nose according to the manufacturer’s instructions and fasten it behind your head or ears.
3. 你的脸和口罩之间不应该有缝隙.
4. Only when the mouth and nose are completely covered is 保护 guaranteed.
5. 戴口罩时不要触摸.


1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and/or disinfect before removing the mask.
2. 不要触摸口罩立博app身.
3. 只接触松紧带并小心地取下口罩.
4. 将口罩放入密封容器中.
5. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and/or disinfect after removing the mask.